Procedures in the event of school closure due to inclement weather The decision to close the school in the event of inclement weather is not taken lightly and is based on the safety of both pupils and staff, some of whom have to travel quite a considerable distance. Should we have to close at any point during the winter months, we will endeavour to make a decision by 7.30am and the closure will be posted on the school’s website at:
Closures will also be posted on the West Sussex County Council website at: We will also send a MCAS message to parents and post on the school's Facebook page.
There may be circumstances when the decision is taken to close during the school day due to rapidly changing weather conditions. In these cases parents will be sent a MCAS message. A member of staff will remain at the school with the children until the last child has been collected.
Given that information about school closure is communicated by message please ensure that you inform the school office of any changes to your contact details.
If the school is open and your child is unable to get in, please notify the office by 9.00am leaving a message on the absence line.
After-school clubs will be cancelled if the weather conditions are poor. Children should wear appropriate clothing for the conditions, including waterproof footwear to go out to play i.e. wellington or snow boots and a change of footwear for class. A coat, hat, a pair of gloves and a change of socks would also be advisable.